While we all have the capacity to thrive through change, I serve as the catalyst—speeding up the process of turning your goals into habits.

Hi, my name is Julie. I have…

  • A BA in Psychology from Yale University (2003)

  • An MBA from Columbia Business School (2009)

  • 15+ years in executive coaching, leadership training, and human capital consulting at Deloitte (2003-2019)

  • An executive coaching certification from Columbia University (2019)

  • An International Coach Federation (ICF) Certification (to be conferred in Fall 2019)

  • 100+ coaching hours documented (2018-2019)

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My background in psychology, training in leadership development, study of scientifically-proven coaching tools and techniques, and certifications in executive coaching, all stem from a life-long fascination: my desire to understand why people think and behave the way they do. To that end, I pursued a BA in Psychology from Yale University and an MBA from Columbia Business School. I have also been certified as an executive coach by the Columbia Coaching Certification Program—a strategic partnership between Columbia Business School and Teachers College—and will be certified by the International Coach Federation (ICF) in the fall.

As a coach, I am in awe of my clients every day because change—even changes for the best—requires a tremendous amount of discipline, commitment, grit, and self-compassion. What I love most about coaching is helping my clients find their own resilience. While they each have unique stories of adversity, they also have an incredible capacity and willingness to transform their lives. And so the most rewarding moments in my career thus far have been helping my clients—like lotuses—rise up from the mud, bloom out of the darkness, and radiate into the world. I find their journeys so inspiring—they even encourage me to make positive changes in my own life!


In addition to executive coaching, I work with the Institute for Personal Leadership (IPL)—consulting, facilitating workshops, and coaching executives. A sample of the IPL clients I have served to date include Brown Brothers Harriman, The Holdsworth Center, MetLife, Unilever, the United Nations, Verizon Wireless, the World Bank, a big four accounting firm, and one of the largest private grocery chains in the US.

I am a frequent guest lecturer in Professor Hitendra Wadhwa’s award-winning Personal Leadership & Success (PLS) course at Columbia Business School in the MBA and Executive Education programs. I also serve as an adjunct professor at The Craig Newmark Graduate School of Journalism at the City University of New York (CUNY), teaching a class on Personal Leadership & Success on behalf of IPL to students in the Entrepreneurial Journalism program.

Prior to joining IPL, I worked at Deloitte Human Capital Consulting, creating leadership development programs for clients in the financial services and healthcare industries. Before that, I served as a director of research at the Corporate Executive Board, providing best practice research to the world’s leading companies.

In my free time, I enjoy watching inspirational movies, attending live music shows, cooking ethnic food, and going on adventures around the world with my supportive husband and our spirited young daughters.

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my happiest moments?

Spending time with my family and going on fun adventures every weekend.

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I am certified as an executive coach by Columbia University.


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If anyone were to ask me what I want out of life I would say—the opportunity for doing something useful, for in no other way, I am convinced, can true happiness be attained.
— Eleanor Roosevelt