research paper for coach certification


LinkedIn Series FOR Working Mothers

Introduction: "Top 10 Personal Leadership Tips for Working Mothers to Live By"

By Julie Stokely Hussain

This article series includes tips for working mothers to live by based on the universal principles of Personal Leadership.

Tip #1: Say "No" Strategically

By Julie Stokely Hussain

Tip #1 is all about being able to say "no" strategically by anchoring yourself in your purpose and values.

Tip #2: Work Smarter, Not Harder

By Julie Stokely Hussain

Tip #2 is all about managing your time wisely and finding creative ways to show your dedication to side projects.

Tip #3: Keep Learning and Growing

By Julie Stokely Hussain

Tip #3 is all about the importance of always learning new things, asking for feedback, and growing.

Tip #4: Focus on One Goal at a Time

By Julie Stokely Hussain

Tip #4 is all about working on only one goal at a time for at least six months—long enough for it to become a habit.

Tip #5: Exercise Regularly and Breathe Deeply

By Julie Stokely Hussain

Tip #5 is all about exercising regularly and practicing deep breathing to master emotions.

Tip #6: Think Positive Thoughts

By Julie Stokely Hussain

Tip #6 is all about monitoring negative thoughts vigilantly, which are unnecessarily taxing on working mothers.

Tip #7: Meditate for Focus

By Julie Stokely Hussain

Tip #7 is all about meditating for focus, clarity, improved health, greater empathy, better impulse control, and more.

Tip #8: Make Time for YOU

By Julie Stokely Hussain

Tip #8 is all about making the time to take care of yourself in order to operate as your best self.

Tip #9: Ask Others For Help

By Julie Stokely Hussain

Tip #9 is all about freeing yourself from “emotional labor” and asking for more help in order to avoid burnout.

Tip #10: Practice Being Fully Present

By Julie Stokely Hussain

Tip #10 is all about practicing mindfulness on the inside to be fully present on the outside.

Conclusion: "Top 10 Personal Leadership Tips for Working Mothers to Live By"

By Julie Stokely Hussain

This is the conclusion to the article series on Personal Leadership tips for working mothers to live by.


Purpose—Mightier Than the Perk

By Julie Stokely Hussain

When it comes to talent management and retention, conventional wisdom tells us that the employee experience is paramount. Yet, most organizations continue to struggle with successfully engaging employees by focusing on tangible or extrinsic rewards. Is it possible we’ve been thinking about perks all wrong?


By Dan Burrier and Julie Stokely Hussain

In the new digital world in which we live, two management questions arise: How do I lead and manage teams of people for whom digital is as natural as breathing oxygen when the tools, models and practices of this world may be newer and more foreign to me? Or, how do I lead people who just don't get digital?


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“It is not the most intellectual of the species that survives; it is not the strongest that survives; but the species that survives is the one that is able best to adapt.”
— Leon C. Megginson on Darwin's Origin of Species