I work with my clients to help them improve their authenticity, happiness, and effectiveness in life and leadership.

as executive Coach

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“Julie has been an invaluable advisor in supporting and shaping my leadership growth. She understands people, strategy, and implementation—and how to put them all together in support of a leader. Specifically, Julie was instrumental in helping me to root my co-founder relationship in effective communication. She is a true asset when it comes to guiding us through creative problem-solving across a myriad of business issues. Separately, she intimately understands the delicate balance of being a working mother, and is quick to aid me in realigning priorities as it relates to family, friends, wellness, and personal passions. She is creative, experienced, empathic, and most importantly—effective. Every CEO should have a partner like Julie in their corner.”
—Lauren Rieckhoff, Co-Founder, wilyfoXX

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“Due to professional setbacks in early 2018, I felt like an imposter in my job as CEO of a nonprofit hospital. That's when I met Julie fortuitously. In just 9 sessions, she helped me think deeply about my values and prioritize my actions based on them. She helped uncover my desire to be a thought leader in an area I'm passionate about—public policy. To do so, she encouraged me to find and stay true to my life’s mission, which has been a liberating experience. I now have a vocabulary for my values—bringing clarity and confidence to my life. I have stopped imposing unnecessary expectations on myself (“Stop ‘shoulding’ on yourself!”), and I am very grateful for that. I highly recommend her as she knows how to help you bring out the best in yourself.”
—Rishabh Jhol, CEO, Bapu Nature Cure Hospital & Yogashram


“Four years ago, I unexpectedly had to step back from my career to care for my child who was diagnosed with a rare disease. Because of her progress, I decided to re-prioritize my career, and Julie came along at just the optimal time. She is the perfect mix of strategic thought partner, accountability buddy, cheerleader, and friend. She breaks down major goals into manageable steps, drawing on a scientific approach to coaching based in neuroscience and best practices. Together, we honed my purpose that serves as a metric by which I now evaluate all requests of my time. I have grace with myself and see myself as others see me—a rockstar! I could not have done this without Julie, and I'm feeling more confident than ever as I return to work after four years!”
—Anna Blanding, Founder & CEO, The Pilliner Group

We only had two sessions, but Julie used the time effectively. She helped me identify steps I could take and provided relevant reference materials.
— Adobe executive
I liked the personal attention as well as Julie’s suggestions and advice regarding an issue I was grappling with at work.
— RIX Industries executive
After working with Julie, I see a great opportunity for the PL discipline to become a part of my everyday journey. In the area of emotional mastery, I have to improve the capacity to hit the pause button and take deep diaphragmatic breaths.
— TIM Brasil executive
Julie was amazing! She quickly related to my situation and was helpful in planning mindful activities both in my personal life, especially finding time for myself, and with my approach to my current work environment.
— Center for Urban Community Services executive


Julie was the most interesting, engaging, and thought-provoking facilitator of the day.
— MetLife participant
Julie demonstrated solid facilitation skills. She has an easy, friendly style that sets a positive tone and makes participants feel comfortable.
— Big Four Accounting Firm participant
The time management presentation was excellent—fantastic content! Julie has excellent presentation skills. She was very engaging and insightful, and she had good energy. The lecture was easy to follow, yet very thought-provoking. It wasn’t too corporate either so that was appropriate for us.
— United Nations participant
Julie’s presentation was very inspirational and encouraging, and helped me understand the importance of values and goals. Her incorporation of love in leadership was the most pleasant part of the presentation. Love is essential, but rarely discussed in leadership.
— Eleanor Roosevelt Leadership Center participant


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Every great dream begins with a dream. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.
— Harriet Tubman